Not that scary monster made from child's drawing
Not that scary monster 7 year old Piers drawn pic wich I turn it into a soft toy Working hard Monster with shaggy legs in production stages

Work in progres, doll with kite
Little sneak peek of my latest work, My new progect is a doll. Not that little artist Lena age 9 drawn a doll with kite. a doll with no...

Bear made from child's drawing
Bear drawn by little artist Ella age 6, turned into a soft toy Cuddlie

Plush toy made from child's drawing
Fish based on Julia's drawing

Horse drawn by Gabriella
Colourful hores based on Gabriela's drawing.

Kids with Cuddlies
Maya with her one of a kind soft toy based on her drawing Alex with her bespoke soft toy based on her drawing.

Flower drawing by Anna
Flower based on Anna's drawing

Boys with their keepsaks
Boys where over the moon when they recived plush toys Cuddlies. Special toys for lovely boys.

Kai and Leon's very own Cuddlis are ready
Ready Cuddlie toys, I hope boys will like it. Self portrait drawing by Leon age 4. Cat drawing by Kai, age 5

Pink Cat drawn by Maya.
Maya age 7 drawn pink Cat with set of clothes, wings and crown. It is very own one of a kind plush toy.